Karen Tamte, MD

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Karen Tamte, MD

Karen Tamte, MD

Clinic(s): Eden Prairie Edina
Specialty: pediatrics

Undergraduate: North Park University, IL

Medical School: University of Minnesota

Residency: Mayo Clinic

Get to Know Karen Tamte, MD

Why did you choose pediatrics?

I love pediatrics as we get to take care of infants through college-age patients. It is very rewarding to get to know families over so many years, and kids can be very entertaining!

What do you enjoy most about Southdale Pediatrics?

Getting to know patients and families from diverse backrounds. Our offices provide care for families from a large geographic area.

What do you like to do for fun?

I like spending time outdoors with my family – walking, boating, and biking. I also love having a good book and a good knitting project going.

What is your favorite place to visit in Minnesota?

I love northern Minnesota, especially the lakes and woods around Ely and the North Shore.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Minnesota, I was actually one of the first group of infants born in the “new” Fairview Southdale Hospital maternity ward.