Lori Skallerud, MD

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Lori Skallerud, MD

Lori Skallerud, MD

Clinic(s): Edina
Specialty: pediatrics

Undergraduate: St. Olaf College

Medical School: Rush University

Chief Residency: University of Minnesota

Residency: University of Minnesota

Get to Know Lori Skallerud, MD

Dr. Skallerud loves watching parents and children grow as individuals over the course of many years. She takes a holistic approach to health including both physical and emotional components to her care. She is passionate about encouraging her patients to be thoughtful of diet, sleep, outdoor time, and screen time as key components of their growth and development. In her spare time she enjoys reading and all things athletic including: running, working out, and following local college and professional sports teams including her daughter’s college lacrosse team.